Getting Started

WCC aims to be an inclusive, community club which welcomes anyone with an interest in canoe sports. We help our members to meet their canoeing goals, whether these are to compete at any level, or paddle recreationally – for health, wellbeing and to socialise with other paddlers.

Worcester Canoe Club is renowned for its success in flat-water racing, but also caters for all other types of paddling. We currently have over 160 members ranging from 7 to over 80, so age is no restriction!

Club membership includes the use of a large selection of boats and equipment including bouncy aids and paddle boats to cater to all ages of paddlers. We have paddling ‘ergos’ and a small gym for land-based training too.

Private boat storage is available on request.

We can cater for all levels of ability and have training sessions to match. If you’d like to join and have previous experience of paddling, please let us know and we can arrange for you to paddle with others at a similar level.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email us at

How to Join



Useful Links